Why is Success Important

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Why You Must Succeed?

Being successful is your duty.

Never make the mistake of just being dependent on others, take responsibility for your life and for your existence. Your well being is your responsibility, the well being of everyone you love is your responsibility too, the growth and improvement of your community is your responsibility, no, it is not the responsibility of the whole community. Most people don’t assume responsibility and wait for someone else to assume it. If you keep acting like they do, your community will never advance.

An entrepreneur is one who takes responsibility, he knows that if he is not successful he will not be able to take the weight of these responsibilities, his employee will not get paid, he will not be well, the country will not be well.

If your life is not well, it is your responsibility, if your family is not well, if an uncle needs money for a chirurgic operation and you can not help, you are failing.

Until you are able to blame yourself not only for your poverty, but for the poverty of the people around you, you will never be a great entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is like being a superhero. Just look at today’s biggest entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs is practically a hero, he did not just accept plastic, cheap and ugly electronic gadgets, he created quality products because he wanted, no one else wanted, he thought it was his responsibility to bring beauty to the world, and to this day Apple makes the most beautiful and highest quality gadgets in the world. Elon Musk is another hero who took the responsibility of reducing our emissions to the atmosphere creating the Tesla electric company. Bill Gates has taken the responsibility of ending malaria and other endemic diseases in third world countries, so far from his home. Mark Zuckerberg took the responsibility of connecting people through Facebook. People he doesn’t even know from around the world. Being an entrepreneur is being a superhero for these and other reasons. You must be thirsty to grow and to change your community.

People say money does not bring happiness, so what?

Money was not meant to bring happiness, it exists to bring freedom. A financial freedom where you are free as a bird because you do not have to be in the mud worrying about your child’s next tuition, or the expensive medicine for your mother’s illness.

It is through your success that you change your community, that you can contribute to the election of a politician who cares about your community by contributing to his campaign, or that you can create a foundation, an amusement park for children, you can donate computers to disadvantaged schools. The money you have to aim for, that you must earn, will not make you happy, there are a lot of things that can go wrong in your life, but it will certainly bring financial freedom, and that is all you need to change the world, because there are very few people who can think of others when they are in need.

Be financially free. Own your own time. Be an entrepreneur.

Stélio Inácio

This text is part of the book Escaping Poverty – 5 Steps to Start your Own Business

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