How to be a good Salesman

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So what makes a good Salesman

A salesman will have this characteristics:

  1. He knows the product very well, but very well indeed.
  2. He is persuasive, he talks like a salesman, which means he is assertive, well spoken, persuasive, friendly, well dressed, good presentation, no matter the age he just looks like he is in his prime
  3. He knows how people think, he is manipulative, he is a con artist of sorts (he knows how people operate psychological)
  4. He Treats Costumers Well, he gets to know you, he befriends you, he is charming because he is confident, it feels like you need him and not the contrary, and when he doesn’t make the sell today, he couldn’t care less, like there are other 10 people coming to buy from him. It looks like he is doing you a favor.
  5. He is Trustworthy, after the sale you go home, and the product behaves exactly the way he told you it would. And the things he said about the product, like how the product will help you or make your life better, everything checked out, so much so, that he becomes a part of your enjoyment of the product, you think about him while you use the product, he is that good. He is that trustworthy. You can’t wait to buy from him again. He is your friend, not just someone who sold you a product. He is someone you need in your life, you want to, you need to buy from him Even if you have other opportunities to buy what he is offering you wait and buy from him, because you trust him, because he is an authority in his business, because he knows what he is talking about, because you are afraid to buy from anyone else. Because in a way you want that buy experience that he provides, you are willing to pay more for it, the way he talks to you, the way he makes you try other products, you kind of fall in love with him and nobody can replace him.

How to Sell

  1. Know your product
  2. Be Persuasive
  3. Know how People Think
  4. Treat Costumers Well
  5. Be trustworthy

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