The Importance of Training for entrepreneurs

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Education is the universal equalizer. It doesn’t matter where you are from or the color of your skin, if you can build a nuclear power plant, you can build a nuclear power plant.

Nobody is born knowing (we do have instinct), but nobody is born speaking English, or knowing how to make a phone call.

We make money being useful to people and to be useful to people you must be able to solve a problem they have. We educate ourselves to have the tools to solve a particular problem.

Education takes many forms and it is not limited to getting a degree, education is knowledge, skills, competence. And no matter how good you are, you must keep getting better.

Education and Training will enable you to accumulate wealth, but remember, true wealth comes from wealth itself, ie, you must invest.

If you have a business selling popcorn around the corner, learning marketing and business principles can help you expand. Learning web design can help you take orders online, learning mobile app development can help you make a popcorn game. Or if your business is successful you will have money and will need a web designer, so someone who educated himself in web design will be the perfect person to solve your problem.

This us, humans, needing each other, is what makes education so valuable. If you can solve someone’s problem, then you can make money.

How can Education make you rich?

To accumulate wealth, you need to be able to solve people’s problems for money, and to solve these problems you need to educate yourself in several skills. That way you can diversify your income streams and put some money away to invest in something big that can bring big returns. This process can take decades.

But it doesn’t end there, even after you get the skill, you need to be on the lookout for innovations and big business opportunities. Imagine being the guy who invented gasoline when cars where just starting to be produced. That guy became crazy rich. There are opportunities everywhere and if you spot them, you get rich.

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